
Olive Vendor Selection Software, Powered By AI

Collaborate on Internal Vendor Selection with Olive AI-Powered Software

Unlock the true potential of your digital transformation journey with Olive’s AI-Powered Vendor Selection Software. Improve interdepartmental collaboration and decision-making, and save 50% on third-party resources.


Align with Internal Stakeholders on Software Vendor Decisions.

Transform your software vendor selection journey with Olive. Collaborate with internal stakeholders to streamline and simplify the assessment of software vendors that align with your business needs.

Olive’s collaborative platform simplifies the process, allowing your org to align on needs and invite qualified vendors to respond to requirements.

With Olive your organization will confidently select software vendors that drive digital transformation for the organization.

Accelerate Software Vendor Selection, Drive Digital Transformation

Save 50% on Third Party Resources

Enhance collaboration and collaboration quality with Olive and save over 50% on third-party resources. Olive’s Enterprise Technology Evaluation Platform allows users to collaborate with internal stakeholders and vendors. This mitigates risks, identifies integrations upfront, and avoids surprises during implementation.

The more stakeholders on the platform, the greater the savings.

3x Faster Time to Decision

Olive users take less time to source, evaluate, and implement enterprise technology solutions. Increased collaboration amongst key stakeholders including IT, Finance, Procurement, and Legal reduces delays caused by miscommunication, outdated processes, conflicting priorities, and lack of alignment.

2x Business Analyst Efficiency

Maximize the efficiency of your Business Analysts, giving them a solution to the time-consuming and resource-intensive process of requirements gathering. With Olive, BAs can gather, rank, and receive feedback on requirements without relying on spreadsheets, RFI RFQ templates, or lengthy meetings.

4x Faster Requirements Consensus

Capture, prioritize, manage, and rank requirements no matter the complexity. Olive users report gathering, managing, and ranking requirements 4 times faster than usual. Eight weeks vs. two weeks.

Olive Is Trusted By

Flynn Group of Companies

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G2 Reports

Case Studies

3x Faster Software Vendor Selection

Get an inside look at how Olive users leverage internal data to collaborate and find the best-fit enterprise software vendors for their organizations. Make smart, informed software decisions quickly and efficiently with Olive.

PRMI Uses Olive to Source Software

We chatted with Corban Wells, Director of Product Management at Primary Residential Mortgage about finding best-fit solutions in Olive, and why that’s important for mortgage industry digital transformation.
Find Out How

Kong Sources HR Software with Olive

Learn how Olive has helped the HR team at Kong streamline their HR technology selection process and enhance the company's digital transformation. Kong, an API service management company, uses Olive to improve the HR solution selection process. Olive's technology evaluation platform was used to collect and organize their requirements in collaboration with key organizational stakeholders. Using Olive, Kong reduced the requirements gathering process time from 2-3 months to 2 weeks.
Find Out How

The New Standard in Software Vendor Selection

Find best-fit software vendors for strategic digital transformation.

Learn how AI-powered Software Selection Can Help Your Organization