
Olive’s AI-Powered Solution Recommendations

Olive’s cutting-edge AI solution recommendations, designed to optimize your project evaluation process.

On the solutions page, you’ll discover our “Recommend” button, which curates a personalized list of solutions tailored to your project’s unique requirements. Each recommended solution comes complete with a comprehensive description and a detailed analysis of its pros and cons.

Unlock the power of data-driven decision-making and simplify your solution selection journey. With Olive’s AI guidance, you can confidently explore the most promising options and make informed choices for your project’s success.

Learn more about Olive.

Transparency on Olive platform: Changes and scores logged, Criteria Library
Find the right solution

Searching for Software Vendors with a Team

Vote, work together and collaborate with your team. 

Vendor selection is difficult, both internally with your own team – gathering requirements and aligning internally – and externally with vendors. Typically, organizations rely on spreadsheets, word docs, email and endless meetings to manage innovation. With Olive, you collaborate on these tasks in the platform.

Meet Olive, Your AI Digital Transformation Coach

Work with Olive to Discover tailored solutions, uncover insights, and supercharge your Digital Transformation. With Olive by your side, success is within reach!

Olive gal smiles, celebrates, looks confused, looks content, and looks surprised

The New Standard in Enterprise Software Selection

Talk to us to learn more.