Vendor Engagement Services

Free Up Your Team to Focus on Activities That Deliver Business Value

Our vendor engagement team will research, identify, and invite vendors into the project to respond to your requirements without revealing your identity.

With a 90%+ engagement rate, you can be sure vendors will provide appropriate responses on time.

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Vendor Engagement Services List

Vendor Research and Identification

We go above and beyond the generic G2 and Forrester & Gartner reports by identifying a vast array of potential vendors by doing comprehensive research into the space.

Vendor Engagement Services

You will have a dedicated vendor manager to reach out to potential vendors and invite them into the project while maintaining your anonymity.

We help the vendor understand your unique goals and needs so that they provide accurate responses on time. We save you time and effort by dealing with concerns and questions that vendors may have and managing communication throughout the process. Our goal here is to maintain your anonymity until you are ready to demo and keep the vendor focused on your unique business needs.

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